The 16th APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-16)
10 September 2019 - 12 September 2019
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) organized the 16th APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-16) from 10 - 12 September 2019 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The forum was hosted by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPTC), Cambodia.
The APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF) is a platform which provides opportunity for APT members including policy makers, regulators, industry, and all other stakeholders to discuss development issues for telecommunications and ICT and share information and experiences of best practices. It is also a platform to identify the specific issues that hinder the development of the telecommunication networks in rural areas and to discuss appropriate use of new technologies available for rural telecom development.
The objectives for ADF-16 were to:
- Discuss on initiatives in developing and providing urban and rural broadband connectivity and identifying persisting challenges and measures in providing broadband connectivity
- Share activities in developing the promoting high-speed, affordable and sustainable broadband network with the focus on last mile connectivity
- Report outcomes and achievements of the APT projects via extra budgetary contributions (EBCs)
- Discuss among participants on their needs for the new pilot projects or research programmes, the challenges and modality to assist
- Exchange and update on the national policy and regulatory frameworks that support upscale ICT centric innovative technologies and services and how to build and nurture ecosystem for innovation
- Discuss and share new development in deploying IoTs and its applications in the region or through the globe
- Share best practices, legislation and initiatives relevant to increasing broadband connectivity among members as well as initiatives to support adoption and use of ICT as an enabler for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 2030
- Bring the focus of high-level policy makers and regulators as well as industry leaders of ICT sector in Asia-Pacific region towards to outcome of the discussion as well as key takeaways from the Ministerial Statement adopted by the Ministers at the APT-MM 2019.